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Fort Worth Transportation Authority
Creative & Strategic Lead | VP Creative, & Strategy

When the public transportation system of the 6th fastest growing city in the United States wanted to expand its routes to serve its customers better and increase ridership, they came us. They came to the right place. I knew they needed a comprehensive, integrated, multi-touch campaign aimed at both riders and non-riders — a campaign that would generate awareness of the new service and increase the client's brand recognition and equity. Most importantly, I needed to conceive a campaign that would improve the perception of public transportation across the North Texas region, a campaign that resonated rationally... but also emotionally.

After uncovering an insightful narrative in the audience research data — a narrative that suggested the public wanted to see mass transportation as an essential ingredient of cosmopolitan living — I single-handedly developed and wrote the marketing plan for the launch. Then, I led a creative team of art directors, designers and copywriters to create a campaign that went to the heart of the matter... literally.

Positioning public transportation as the life-giving cardiovascular system of North Texas' fast-growing community, I successfully conceived, developed, and oversaw the production and deployment of a campaign that achieved the client's goals by increasing ridership, improving brand and public perception, and successfully launching the client's new offering to an audience primed and ready to ride.

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